Fugal Metamorphosis at the Kölner Philharmonie
On May 3rd, 2016 I had the pleasure of playing a concert with Gregor Schwellenbach, Erol Sarp, Haushka, Paul Frick and Daniel Brandt at the Kölner Philharmonie, as part of the Acht Brücken Festival in Köln.
The main attraction of the concert was performing “Six Pianos”, a 25-30 minute work by seminal minimalist composer Steve Reich. Along with Terry Riley, La Monte Young, John Adams and Philip Glass, Reich helped pioneer the minimalist movement. But Reich’s music has a special significance, because his music also influenced countless electronic musicians, DJ’s and Techno producers.
The project was conceived by composer Gregor Schwellenbach, as a tribute in the year of Reich’s 80th birthday. He invited 5 other pianists to record their own part of “Six Pianos” separately at home, with the intention of releasing a recording of it in the upcoming year. Gregor’s concept for the live show was that we would each take turns playing solo – without the electronics or other accompaniments which we are used to in our live performances.
The Philharmonie has now posted it online, and if you’d like to watch/hear it live:
here is the link to view my first piece, “Introitus” https://youtu.be/cxWXzTgsFfg
here is the link to view my second piece, “Fugal Metamorphosis (on a theme by W. Byrd)”
Both compositions are from my 2014 album “Between Carthage and Rome”.