LightBridge – sound & light installation
For Nuit Blanche on October 5, 2013, I composed 4 electroacoustic soundscapes to be played simultaneously over loudspeakers installed on a 250-foot pedestrian bridge in Toronto. The bridge is fortuitously named “Puente de Luz” (Bridge of Light).
Each soundscape was 40 minutes long, and the speakers were spaced at 15 meter intervals, so that people could walk across the bridge and hear new musical elements as they moved between the speakers and hear the sounds intermingling with each other. The bridge was sometimes filled with people, and at other times almost empty; sometimes people sat on the ground to take the experience in for a longer time. The music composed for LightBridge was dedicated to Nadia Farah.
Nathan Whitford – Toronto Konstantinos Mavromichalis – London, UK
John Kameel Farah – Toronto/Berlin Sarah Keenlyside – Toronto
We see that space and time are intertwined. We cannot look out into space without looking back into time – Carl Sagan
lightbridge is a light and sound installation inspired by the notion that light is a bridge connecting the earth and the stars, through space, and in time.
Through an expansive enclosure of LED lights and a hypnotic musical score, lightbridge transforms a 250 ft pedestrian bridge into a kind of hyperspace tunnel.
As the viewer travels across the bridge, the lights shift and change as one loop of music harmoniously blends into the next. The only way for the viewer to fully experience the installation is to move through it.
Light artists Urban Visuals team up with art/film producer Sarah Keenlyside and composer John Kameel Farah in this light and sound collaboration.